Adaptive Networks

Delivering a new branch in 10 minutes or less

Automation can help you optimise resources, capitalise on opportunity costs, and scale, while ensuring a consistent customer experience. Join us as we show how you can deliver a new branch in 10 minutes or less. Explore how Cisco DNAC can deliver network infrastructure, and use Telstra’s proprietary Rapid Automation platform to test and onboard the new branch into Solarwinds and ServiceNow.

Duration: 23 minutes


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Delivering a new branch in 10 minutes or less

23 minutes

Automation can help you optimise resources, capitalise on opportunity costs, and scale, while ensuring a consistent customer experience. Join us as we show how you can deliver a new branch in 10 minutes or less. Explore how Cisco DNAC can deliver network infrastructure, and use Telstra’s proprietary Rapid Automation platform to test and onboard the new branch into Solarwinds and ServiceNow.