Intelligent Retail by Telstra Enterprise

Intelligent Retail

Optimise your in-store and ecommerce operations. Demonstrate sustainability and ethical sourcing. Strengthen your cybersecurity. Empower your employees and enhance customer experiences.

How can we help you?

Discover our solutions

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Three steps to intelligent retail

Create a flexible foundation for modernisation and automation

Combining high-speed connectivity with your cloud-based data, Telstra can build the digital foundation to connect your stores, staff, customers and deliveries.

Safeguard your data, your people and your business continuity.

Telstra can embed multi-layered security from the core to the very edge of your network to help safeguard your staff, stock and systems against cyberthreats.

Create winning retail experiences, support staff and optimise operations.

Telstra Purple can create compelling retail experiences, give staff the right data and digital tools to work more effectively, and analyse data to streamline and automate your operations.

Bringing it all together

Telstra's end-to-end solution for industrial automation.

IoT Network

3 million+ sensors are already connected to the Telstra IoT network – the largest in Australia.

Private 5G

Aqura – a Telstra Purple Company provides secure, high-speed, high-density private 4G and 5G connectivity for mine sites – even underground. 

Edge Compute

Telstra Edge provides the local processing power and security you need to enhance the performance of your systems and help protect your data. 

IT/OT Integration

Alliance Automation – a Telstra Purple Company integrates your IT and OT systems, switchboards, motor control centres, control panels and business systems. 


Nokia Orchestration Center provides end-to-end network and service orchestration capabilities to optimise performance across multiple technology domains. 


Telstra Data Hub aggregates data from disparate systems and Quantium brings powerful analytics, Al and machine learning. 


Digital Maturity Roadmap

Explore our digital maturity roadmap to see where you stand. 

Supply Chain Whitepaper

Read the The Data-Driven Supply Chain whitepaper to discover more about the technology transforming the world of supply chain management.

Industry Insights Whitepaper

Find out why visibility is the overarching benefit of digitisation, and how it improves efficiency, sustainability and worker safety in Building Resilient Supply Chains.

Behind the Mic

Listen to the Telstra Behind the Mic podcast with our industry expert Jon Young Flores and AI expert Lenka Bednarikova to find out how Telstra Data Hub can help Australian industries grow with standardised secured data sharing.

Reduce industry emissions

We helped our customers to avoid 2.7 million tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2021 – the equivalent of taking 1.2 million vehicles off Australian roads per year.

Moving to the cloud

In 2021, Telstra’s cloud solutions helped customers avoid 106,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions (tCO2e).1Refer to references at end of content

Connected workers

In 2021, approximately 36% of the Australian workforce usually worked from home. Telstra provided internet connectivity to millions of these workers, enabling customers to avoid 806,000 tCO2e.1Refer to references at end of content

Fleet management

Using Telstra IoT sensors and LTE technology to track and monitor vehicle fleets, optimise routes and reduce fuel consumption.

Telstra enabled our customers to reduce emissions of 212,000 tCO2e in 2021.1Refer to references at end of content


  1. See the full report, Deloitte: Enabling Positive Climate Action for details, assumptions and qualifications.


The Telstra team brought the expertise needed to make the right decisions. Implementing the solution was, indeed, important. However, ensuring the right service level was crucial as well. Telstra was able to offer this as a one-stop shop.

Sean Davies
Group Infrastructure and Project Services Managers, Hanes Australasia   

Learn more about Ensuring seamless retail operations with agile network


Telstra has a scale to match a business of our size. Everywhere we are, Telstra can be.

Scott Green
Chief Information Officer, McDonald’s Australia 

Learn more about A reliable network for future innovation and growth


It seemed strange that in 2020 we would still be dependent on a piece of paper to fill a prescription. [The e-prescription rollout] provided an extra level of convenience and speed that has proven valuable to many Australians.

Mark Finocchiaro, 
Managing Partner and Director, Chemist Warehouse

Learn more about Bringing Chemist Warehouse into the digital age with e-prescriptions

Why work with Telstra in retail

Industry Experts

  • Rely on the capabilities and domain knowledge of our dedicated retail team.
  • We bring you access to our extensive partner ecosystem, so you can draw on best-in-class solutions.
  • You can be confident in our best-practice methodologies, with proven reference sites.

Integration specialists

  • Our expertise in IT and OT integration brings you efficient process management and automation.

  • Our Data Hub aggregates data from multiple sources (sensors, systems, vehicles and more) and tags it for smart analytics, insights and reporting.

Smart IT Solutions

  • We offer Productive tools and technology that can automate processes to improve efficiency and transform customer experience.
  • Track stock, vehicles and deliveries.
  • Simplify environmental management.
  • Streamline repetitive tasks and customer service to improve staff satisfaction.
  • Connect your supply chain to obtain greater visibility over product provenance.

Cost efficiency

  • Reduce costs and free up valuable IT resources with our affordable managed services.

  • Take advantage of pay-as-you-go cloud services and flexible mobility and network plans with no lock-in contracts.


  • Telstra’s advanced networks have smart, embedded technologies designed to safeguard business continuity and help protect customer and company data.

  • Our secure-by-design approach puts security at the centre of your retail operations and supply chain, so you can be confident your business is protected at every level.

Extensive Ecosystem

  • From IoT sensor platforms to modern retail AR/VR experiences, we bring you the right blend of solutions for your goals.  

  • We’re provider agnostic, so we’ll provide a range of options designed to suit your needs.  

Purple Professional Services

Telstra Purple industry specialists can work with you to modernise and automate your operations, empower your staff with advanced technologies and introduce powerful IoT platforms for remote monitoring and control, making it easy to improve customer experience and staff satisfaction, automate tasks and processes and track goods and deliveries in near real-time.

Purple Managed Services

From managing your in-store IoT sensors to bolstering staff satisfaction by ensuring devices are always up to date, we offer tailored managed services to suit your needs.

Book an expert consultation

Bring us your ideas or business goals and we’ll work with you to develop a smart solution. Our experienced professionals can help you digitise and automate everything from complex paperwork to machinery and vehicle fleets as well as safety and environmental management.