Our 5G Network

We’re building Australia’s best 5G

Telstra is leading the way in Australia in ensuring our customers have early access to all the benefits of advancing 5G technology.

A glimpse of what’s to come with 5G

Video opens on a male presenter wearing VR goggles, holding a camera with a large telephoto lens. We cut to the presenter, wearing a grey T-shirt speaking directly to camera:  

PRESENTER VOICE OVER: “This is the future of 5G, happening right now. 5G will enable more immersive educational experiences. The FLAIM firefighting suit is one such immersive experience.” 

The presenter is suddenly wearing the hi-vis FLAIM vest, VR goggles appear on his face, and then he’s holding a telephoto lens device. We cut to images of firefighters fighting a big fire.  

PRESENTER VOICE OVER: “It uses haptics and VR to simulate a realistic firefighting experience without putting firefighters in danger.” 

We cut back to the presenter talking directly to camera.  

PRESENTER VOICE OVER: “That way, when firefighters are called on to use their skills, they’ll know exactly what to do, exactly when.” 

We cut to an image of a drone sitting on a desk, then flying, then cut back to the presenter speaking to camera. 

PRESENTER VOICE OVER: "Safety is another way that 5G will transform our future. Using a range of connectivity, this little guy will detect sharks in the nearby area and deploy pods to swimmers, so they can make it safely back to shore. That way, lifesavers can stay out of danger."

We cut to drone footage of a coastline with ‘shark’ alerts mapped out on it. Then a helicopter dropping pods to swimmers, followed by three lifesavers studying the map on a tablet on the beach.  

PRESENTER VOICE OVER:  "5G will make smooth multiplayer cloud gaming possible as soon as it’s available. Plus, it’ll put you at the centre of the action for all your favourite sports events. And you can even virtually try on that outfit you’ve had your eye on thanks to Oppo shopping."

We cut to presenter popping on gaming VR goggles and showing a VR tennis game. Then, scanning a fashion image and seeing it come to life. Cut back to presenter speaking straight to camera.  

PRESENTER VOICE OVER: "The future of 5G is right now, keep reading to find out just what’s possible."

End frame with super + Telstra logo:  

Australia’s first 5G

Not your average bike helmet

Telstra 5G - Heads up Helmet Project

Champion cyclist, Anna Meares demonstrates how 5G connectivity and smart technology combine to help take bike rider safety up a gear. 

Imagine if your bike helmet had the ability to warn you of every obstacle in your path. We’re talking collision, car door, roadwork, accident, breakdown and congestion alerts in real time and smart city Infrastructure that detects moving vehicles around corners.  

Get ready to meet the incredible 5G helmet prototype that could help save lives.  


[Anna] Three million people ride a bike each week in Australia, which is a huge increase in the last three years. Sadly, with that influx of people, we're seeing accidents double. The biggest dangers are the vehicles on the road. When a human body comes up against a one tonne piece of metal, it's very clear which one's going to come off worse. Technology has been making cars safer for years. Why not cycling?

[Todd] We chose to partner with Arenberg because they've got a great smart safety helmet and we've got 5G connectivity with high speed and low latency, and we really wanted to bring those two technologies together. All the road users are sharing the information in real time with each other, we're able to then put that into the cloud and make intelligent decisions and then send down alerts as appropriate. A few milliseconds makes a huge difference. With 5G, the high speed and low delay that it brings is essential.

[Anna] To be able to have the information quickly to hand has a huge potential to save lives. I was really surprised by how quick the information came to me. [Helmet announcement: “Roadworks ahead”] and it didn't impede my ability to hear the environment. I was really quite taken by the engagement of it. I wanted to keep riding past obstacles so I could hear it some more. [Helmet announcement: "Car door opening".]

[Todd] I saw her eyes light up when she got that first alert around the door opening in front. And just I think that sort of penny dropping of understanding of how this technology will really help people to change not only the future of cycling, I think it will change the future of transport, overall. Connected cars, connected trucks, connected cyclists, vehicles, starting to talk to traffic lights, really all of them working in cooperation. And 5G is being able to show that.

[Anna] It's only the start of the project, which is really exciting. Where this can go is profound, I think.

What do I need to get 5G?

You’ll need a 5G device and a 5G-ready mobile or data plan to connect to Telstra 5G. You’ll also need to be in an area that has 5G coverage.

5G coverage

5G is now rolling out in selected areas. In non-5G coverage areas, you'll automatically switch to our 4G. Check our coverage map to find out more.

A 5G-ready phone or device

If you’re ready to try 5G, take a look at our range of 5G-ready phones and devices.

An eligible Telstra plan

Choose a plan that includes access to the 5G network.

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