Change post paid internet plan

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You can connect to the nbn network via Hybrid Fibre Coaxial technology.

Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.



You can connect to the nbn network via Fibre to the Premises technology.

Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.



You can connect to the nbn network via Fibre to the Building technology.

We’ll check your maximum speeds later
At some addresses, we’re unable to check the maximum speeds at your address until you’re connected. While we don’t have the information at this stage, we’ll notify you of your maximum download and upload speeds once you’re on your new plan.
If the maximum speed at your address is below the maximum speed of the plan you’ve chosen, we will advise you of the options available to you which may include (i) remaining on your current plan; (ii) moving to a lower priced plan (if one is available); (iii) cancelling your plan at no cost (not available to upgrading customers). If your options include changing or cancelling your plan, you’ll receive a proportionate refund for the period you didn’t receive the full benefit of your chosen plan.
Maximum nbn speeds at your address
  • Download speed
    0000 - 0000  Mbps
  • Upload speed
    0000 - 0000  Mbps
What are my maximum speeds?
Your maximum speed ranges are estimated based on information made available by NBN Co., including the technology type available at your address and past speed data. The speeds you’ll experience may be slower, particularly during busy periods, and can be impacted by things like your own setup and wiring. We’ll use the latest information when you’re on your new plan to confirm the maximum speeds at your address. More on maximum speeds
Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.



You can connect to the nbn network via Fibre to the Node technology.

We’ll check your maximum speeds later
At some addresses, we’re unable to check the maximum speeds at your address until you’re connected. While we don’t have the information at this stage, we’ll notify you of your maximum download and upload speeds once you’re on your new plan.
If the maximum speed at your address is below the maximum speed of the plan you’ve chosen, we will advise you of the options available to you which may include (i) remaining on your current plan; (ii) moving to a lower priced plan (if one is available); (iii) cancelling your plan at no cost (not available to upgrading customers). If your options include changing or cancelling your plan, you’ll receive a proportionate refund for the period you didn’t receive the full benefit of your chosen plan.
Maximum nbn speeds at your address
  • Download speed
    0000 - 0000  Mbps
  • Upload speed
    0000 - 0000  Mbps
What are my maximum speeds?
Your maximum speed ranges are estimated based on information made available by NBN Co., including the technology type available at your address and past speed data. The speeds you’ll experience may be slower, particularly during busy periods, and can be impacted by things like your own setup and wiring. We’ll use the latest information when you’re on your new plan to confirm the maximum speeds at your address. More on maximum speeds
Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.



You can connect to the nbn network via Fibre to the Curb technology.

We’ll check your maximum speeds later
At some addresses, we’re unable to check the maximum speeds at your address until you’re connected. While we don’t have the information at this stage, we’ll notify you of your maximum download and upload speeds once you’re on your new plan.
If the maximum speed at your address is below the maximum speed of the plan you’ve chosen, we will advise you of the options available to you which may include (i) remaining on your current plan; (ii) moving to a lower priced plan (if one is available); (iii) cancelling your plan at no cost (not available to upgrading customers). If your options include changing or cancelling your plan, you’ll receive a proportionate refund for the period you didn’t receive the full benefit of your chosen plan.
Maximum nbn speeds at your address
  • Download speed
    0000 - 0000  Mbps
  • Upload speed
    0000 - 0000  Mbps
What are my maximum speeds?
Your maximum speed ranges are estimated based on information made available by NBN Co., including the technology type available at your address and past speed data. The speeds you’ll experience may be slower, particularly during busy periods, and can be impacted by things like your own setup and wiring. We’ll use the latest information when you’re on your new plan to confirm the maximum speeds at your address. More on maximum speeds
Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.



You can connect to the nbn network via Fixed Wireless technology.

Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.

Great! You can get connected via Cable now


Our cable plans are nbn-ready so you can switch easily when the nbn arrives. For updates check the nbn rollout map.
To connect to CABLE, contact our messaging team.

Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.

Great! You can get connected via ADSL now


Our ADSL plans are nbn-ready so you can switch easily when the nbn arrives. For updates check the nbn rollout map.
To connect to ADSL, contact our messaging team.

Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.



You can connect to the Opticomm access network.

Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.



You can connect to Telstra Velocity. Please call us on 1800 008 994 to find out more and connect.

Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.



You can connect to 5G Wireless Internet.

Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.

Woo-hoo! Your address is nbn-ready.


Make the switch now to secure, fast nbn with Telstra. Your fixed phone line is included at no extra cost and you can keep your existing number.

Looks like this address has multiple connections.
Message us to find out more about the connection and complete your order.

Our nbn, ADSL and cable plans are currently unavailable in your area.

For satellite options, please contact the nbn.

However, you may be able to use mobile broadband at your address. Mobile broadband connects you to our mobile network, at home or on the go. If you have any questions, please message us.

Oops, we can’t check your address right now.

Try again later, or try another address.
Our system may have had a hiccup. You can also try re-typing your address to check your street or unit number was right, or try another address.

Choose your post-paid plan

All plans include unlimited data and give you the flexibility to change your plan once a month.

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