Information about the service

Your All-4-Biz Mach IV $120 Fixed Voice on the NBN Plan (Plan) is for a digital voice over IP service which allows you to make phone calls from a landline using a connection over the National Broadband Network (NBN).

It forms part of your overall All-4-Biz Mach IV plan and will be provided using a ‘Voice over UNI-D port’ service. Depending on your underlying NBN service there will be differences in the features and capabilities of your Plan.

Voice over UNI-D port

If your Plan is connected to a ‘Voice over UNI-D port’ service you’ll need a gateway, which you can purchase separately from us.



The Plan is only available in areas where NBN fibre is available to the premises. To take up your Plan you’ll need to meet one of the following minimum monthly charge commitments for your overall All-4-Biz Mach IV Plan $500, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000, $2,500, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $6,000, $8,000, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, $25,000, $30,000, $35,000, $40,000, $45,000, $50,000, $55,000 or $60,000. 

Minimum Term

Casual. There is no fixed minimum term, but if you cancel your overall All-4-Biz Mach IV plan then you’ll no longer be connected to this Plan.

What’s included

Your Plan includes rental, local calls, calls to 019 numbers, national long distance (STD) calls, and calls to Australian mobile numbers, subject to our FairPlay Policy. 

What’s not included

You can’t use your included calls for any call types other than those listed above, including calls to the Sensis® 1234 service, calls to 12234 and 12455, third party content calls, international calls, international roaming calls, calls to 13 and 1300 numbers and calls to 19xx and 12xx numbers. You need to pay us for these calls separately and they will be charged at standard BusinessLine complete rates.

Full details and charges for these calls can be found at

Service Limitations

Your Plan comes with Quality of Service (QoS) which helps improve the reliability and consistency of voice calls. However, the quality of your voice communications might be affected by factors such as your connected equipment and software configuration, the number of users connected at the same time and the performance of interconnecting infrastructure not operated by us.

Although your Plan may support fax, EFTPOS, medical dialers and other non-standard dialer services and equipment, we cannot guarantee that these services and/or equipment will work or function faultlessly over your service. Please check with your equipment manufacturer/provider about compatibility with a Telstra voice service on the NBN.

Voice over UNI-D Port

If your Plan is delivered via a UNI-D port, then it’ll need mains power to work. In the event of a power outage at your premises, you won’t be able to use the service to make or receive phone calls, including calls to Emergency 000 services.

If you also want to use your gateway to access the internet, you’ll need to take up a broadband service on the NBN for an additional charge.

The maximum number of voice services (or phone lines) that your Plan can support at a single location is 10. This means you can use a maximum of 10 lines at the same time (including phone, fax or EFTPOS lines), whether they are calls you receive or calls you make. You’ll need to take up a separate Plan for each phone line. 


Voice over UNI-D Port

You need a Telstra approved NBN compatible gateway (router) and handset to use your Plan.

You can use your own compatible handset or we can offer you a range of other handsets that will support your Plan. In order to make video calls, you must have a video capable handset. 

Your existing fixed phone service

If you have an existing voice service with Telstra or another provider, you will have to cancel it to move to this plan. Once you move to your Plan, you will not be able to move back to your old Telstra voice service or order a new non-NBN voice service from Telstra at that location.

Information about pricing

Minimum monthly charge for your Plan

$120 – you’ll have to pay more than $120 if you make calls that aren’t included with your plan.

If required, we will supply you with a compatible Telstra Premium Business Gateway/router for an upfront charge of $240.

Activation Charge

You’ll need to pay a once off $59 activation fee for the first NBN voice service you order at each location. 


A minimum of two appointments are needed to connect your service on the NBN, one with NBN Co and one with us. We’ll arrange both appointments.

You’ll need a Standard Professional Installation for your NBN voice service. We will charge you a once-off $192 Standard Professional Installation Fee for the first NBN voice service you order at each location. You may be charged more than this if the work required to connect your service involves a non-standard installation and/or activation but the technician attending your premises will agree the additional charges with you before this work is carried out.

Calls in Australia

Local calls, calls to 019 numbers, national long distance (STD) calls and calls to Australian mobile numbers are included in your plan. You’ll pay 35¢ per call to 13 numbers. 

Calls to International Numbers

Your included calls don’t include calls to international numbers, so you’ll be charged for making those at the international per minute rate set out in your agreement with us for your All-4-Biz plan.

Early Termination Charge

You can cancel at any time – there’s no Early Termination Charge. You may incur Early Termination Charges for cancelling your overall All-4-Biz service if a minimum term applies to it.

Total minimum cost

If you remained on your Plan for one month, the total minimum amount you’d pay is calculated below:



Voice over

UNI-D Port

Monthly Fee


Activation Fee (if applicable)


Standard Professional Installation




Total Minimum Cost


Bill payment charges

Fees and charges may apply for bill delivery and payment of your invoice, depending on the method.

We do have fee free options available - more information is available at:



Other information


On the same day of each month, you’ll be billed in advance for the minimum charge, as well as for use during the month. The figures in this Critical Information Summary are for a full billing cycle.

Manage your service online

Register for Online Bill to view and pay your bills online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With Online Bill Reporting you’ll be able to organise and check your billing information – great for budgeting and end of financial year reporting. To register go to To opt into receiving an email bill, visit

For more information on other bill payment options, including direct debit, go to

Need help? We're here for you.

Visit for our support options. Call 13 20 00 or 133 677 (TTY), or +61 439 12 5109 from overseas, to speak to someone about your plan or to obtain a copy of this summary in an alternative /accessible format.


If there’s something you’re not happy with and you wish to make a complaint, visit We like to make every attempt to resolve any issue but you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman by phone on 1800 062 058 or visit if you'd like an independent investigation.

Notification of Telstra's Corporate Restructure

As you may already be aware, as part of a corporate restructure, your account and services will be transferred internally within the Telstra Group from Telstra Corporation Limited to Telstra Limited.  This won’t impact your account or services or how you contact us, and there’s nothing you need to do.  This change will take place on 1 January 2023. For updates on the restructure and more information or to contact us about this change, visit This message is from Telstra Corporation Limited and Telstra Limited.

This is a summary only. The full legal terms for this plan are available at

^ This service is only available for customers with an 10-digit account number. It excludes customers with a 13-digit account number beginning with 2000.