Not available for new service connections or service changes from 01 January 2023 and discontinued from 30 March 2023

Information about the service

Your Plan is for a post-paid mobile phone service. You’ll get access to our network, a mobile phone number, be able to make and receive calls, send and receive messages, and access mobile data.

To take up this plan you need to have a Telstra Business All-4-Biz Mach IV Plan V2; these plans are available with a minimum monthly commitment of $500, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000, $2,500, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $6,000, $8,000, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, $25,000, $30,000, $35,000, $40,000, $45,000, $50,000, $55,000 and $60,000. 


You’ll need to bring your own Next G® or 4G compatible handset to take up this plan or buy a compatible handset outright. Handsets that only operate on the 2100MHz network are not compatible with our Next G® network and can’t access data services (to find out more, visit

To make sure your compatible handset is set up to get the most from our Next G® or 4G network, visit

Your plan isn’t eligible for a Mobile Repayment Option or an Accessory Repayment Option.

Minimum term

Casual. There is no fixed or minimum term. 

Your monthly call and data allowance

Your plan doesn’t include a Monthly Call Allowance or a Monthly Data Allowance. 

Information about pricing

Your minimum monthly charge

$10 – you have to pay us extra for your usage each month. 

Bill payment charges

Fees and charges may apply for bill delivery and payment of your invoice, depending on the method.

We do have fee free options available - more information is available at:



Call, SMS and MMS charges in Australia

The main charges used to calculate your usage depend on which All-4-Biz Mach IV Plan you have. These charges are set out in your agreement with us for your All-4-Biz plan.

The main charges you’ll pay for your usage if you connected your plan to an All-4-Biz Mach IV Plan with a $500 or $1,000 minimum monthly commitment are:

  • national voice and video calls – 28¢ per 30 second block, charged per second 
  • national SMS – 25¢ per message per recipient 
  • national MMS – 50¢ per message per recipient 
  • MessageBank diversion in Australia – 6¢ per 30 second block, charged per second 
  • MessageBank retrieval in Australia – 14¢ per 30 second block, charged per second.

It will cost $1.12 to make a standard 2 minute national mobile call if you connected this plan to an All-4-Biz Mach IV with a $500 or $1,000 minimum monthly commitment. 

Data charges in Australia

Data charges are based on how much data you use accessing email and mobile internet on your Next G® or 4G compatible handset. If you’re not sure how much data you might need, you can go to the Data Usage Calculator at

If you use more than your Monthly Data Allowance, you will be charged an additional 10¢ per MB. 

Early Termination Charge

If you take up a 24 month plan and cancel your plan or move to another plan (except an All-4-Biz Mach IV Mobile Plan with a higher monthly charge) before the end of your minimum term, you will need to pay us an Early Termination Charge (ETC). The ETC decreases by equal instalments each month you stay on the plan. Your maximum ETC at the start of your plan is $864. You also need to pay any remaining MRO or ARO repayments.

There’s no ETC if you take up a casual plan.

SMS pack

For an additional $15 per month you can take up a casual month-to-month SMS Pack, which allows you to send unlimited standard SMS to Australian mobile numbers while in Australia. You can cancel your SMS pack at any time.

Calls, SMS and MMS to international numbers

Your plan doesn’t include an allowance for calls, SMS or MMS to international numbers, so you’ll be charged for making these. Here are the main charges that apply:

  • calls to international numbers – for call rates to overseas, see 
  • SMS to international numbers – 50¢ per message per recipient 
  • MMS to international numbers – 75¢ per message per recipient.

Early Termination Charge

You can cancel at any time – there’s no Early Termination Charge.


Other information


On the same day of each month you’ll be billed in advance for the minimum monthly charge, as well as for use during the month.

When you first start a plan or change your plan part way through a billing period, your first bill will include a proportion of your minimum monthly charge based on the number of days left in the billing period, plus the next month’s full minimum monthly charge in advance.

To opt into receiving paperless billing visit to request an email bill and/or set up direct debit. For more information on other bill payment options, go to

How can I monitor and manage my usage?

You'll receive SMS alerts in real-time when you reach 50%, 85% and 100% of your Monthly Data allowance. We’ll also send you an alert if Extra Data is added to your service. To check your usage:

Find out more at

Using your service overseas

The cost of using your service overseas is higher than in Australia. Your monthly plan allowance does not include use while you’re overseas, so you will be charged separately for this usage. Here are the main charges that apply:

  • calls and SMS while overseas – for call and SMS rates, see
  • data while overseas – $3 per MB (charged per KB or part thereof).

Before you travel overseas

  • For information about using your service overseas and other tips to help you stay in control of your costs, visit 
  • For information on how to monitor your usage and register for these tools, visit 
  • If you would like to de-activate international roaming, please call us on 13 2000. 

For help with technical issues while overseas, you can call our 24/7 International Roaming Helpdesk free of charge from a Telstra mobile on +61 439 12 5109.

Need help? We're here for you.

Visit for our support options. Call 13 20 00 or 133 677 (TTY), or +61 439 12 5109 from overseas, to speak to someone about your plan or to obtain a copy of this summary in an alternative /accessible format.


If there’s something you’re not happy with and you wish to make a complaint, visit We like to make every attempt to resolve any issue but you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman by phone on 1800 062 058 or visit if you'd like an independent investigation.

Notification of Telstra's corporate restructure

As you may already be aware, as part of a corporate restructure, your account and services will be transferred internally within the Telstra Group from Telstra Corporation Limited to Telstra Limited.  This won't impact your account or services or how you contact us, and there's nothing you need to do.  This change will take place on 1 January 2023.  For updates on the restructure and more information or to contact us about this change, visit  This message is from Telstra Corporation Limited and Telstra Limited.

This is a summary only. The full legal terms for this plan are available at

^ This service is only available for customers with an 10-digit account number. It excludes customers with a 13-digit account number beginning with 2000.