Record any information that supports your complaint, like error messages or speed tests and have these handy.
Make a complaint by choosing one of the ways that suits you best. Messaging us in the app is the quickest way.
Explain what is happening and how this has impacted you or your ability to stay connected.
Help us help you, by telling us how you want the issue resolved.
The fastest way to make a complaint is to chat with us in the My Telstra app. Your feedback will be picked up and managed by a case manager within one business day. It only takes a minute to get started:
Our complaints team is online Monday to Friday 9am-8pm and Saturday to Sunday 9am-6pm. Make sure you have your notifications turned on so you’ll be notified when we’ve responded.
Don't have the My Telstra app?
Complete our Make a complaint form.
We’ll acknowledge your complaint within one business day and assign a case manager who will contact you in a few days. Once the case is assigned, we aim to resolve complaints within 10 business days. If it takes longer, we’ll keep you updated on our progress until we solve it.
You can also make a complaint:
When you make a complaint, our complaints handling process (PDF, 109KB) ensures that your issue is acknowledged, reviewed and resolved in a timely manner.
We aim to resolve your complaint within 10 business days, if it takes longer, we’ll keep you updated on our progress until we solve it.
You can appoint an authorised contact or advocate to act on your behalf. Learn more about giving another person access to your account.
If you’re not happy with how your complaint has been resolved, you can:
You can find more about escalations in our complaints handling process (PDF, 109KB).
If you need to follow up on a complaint you’ve made, but don’t have your case manager’s details, you can contact us to find out more. Make sure you have your billing account number or complaint reference number handy.
If you’d prefer to speak to a Telstra Customer Service Representative in a language other than English, please contact our Multicultural Service Centre.
Our complaints handling process is also available in the following languages:
If you pay with AutoPay for your Upfront account, you can dispute charges and request a refund in My Telstra.
Want to speak to someone in your language? We can access interpreter services for approximately 50 different First Nations languages and dialects.
We offer assistance to customers with life-threatening medical conditions who rely on a working phone service.
Depending on your level of urgency, we have flexible options that can help keep you connected.
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