Why can’t I access Premium SMS or other third party content?
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What’s Premium SMS?
Premium SMS is a payment option that lets you receive content and services offered by companies other than Telstra (referred to as ‘third parties’), on your mobile phone or tablet.
You agree to pay for it by sending an SMS to a premium number starting with ‘19’ (e.g. 19xx SMS numbers).
Examples of Premium SMS services may include:
- casting a vote on TV shows
- entering TV show competitions.
What does this mean for me?
As Telstra no longer offers Premium SMS charging, you won’t be able to enter or pay for Premium SMS competitions and TV shows on your Telstra bill.
How can I continue to access Premium SMS services?
Premium SMS is no longer available from Telstra but as these services are operated by third party providers, they may have an alternative way to use their services. For example, you may be able to enter or vote online for a competition. To find out more, go to their website.
How do I contact or find out more about a third party provider?
If the charge is for a Premium SMS, you can find out about the company that’s charging you by entering the 19 number from your bill, plus the date it was charged, into the 19 service finder.
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