GRAPHIC: Telstra Logo and text graphic ‘Career Start Edge’.
FOOTAGE: An undergraduate walking along a city street waving at the camera with animations above their hand.
FOOTAGE: A sweeping view of the city across a busy intersection.
FOOTAGE: Someone walking onto a bus and tapping their Myki card with animations above the myki machine.
FOOTAGE: An undergraduate sitting on the bus and showing their Myki card.
FOOTAGE: A sweeping view of a train station shot from the perspective of the train.
FOOTAGE: An undergraduate walking into the Telstra building with their headphones on and doing a peace gesture.
FOOTAGE: An undergraduate walking through security gates in the Telstra building with their access pass, with animations above the access pass.
FOOTAGE: An undergraduate in the lifts, filming a selfie in the mirror and smiling.
FOOTAGE: An undergraduate walks into university and greets friends studying with animations over their hand shakes.
NARRATOR: Combine work and study.
GRAPHIC: A text graphic appears over the video ‘Combine Work and Study’.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate takes a seat at the studying table.
NARRATOR: Working at Telstra gives me the flexibility to learn and grow at uni.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate working in the office at a stand up desk.
NARRATOR: while providing the opportunity to extend what I learn in the classroom.
FOOTAGE: Sweeping view of a technology lab showcasing a robots and tech gear.
NARRATOR: and learn from real world application.
FOOTAGE: An undergraduate walking outside on University campus on a sunny day.
NARRATOR: Anyone who has completed one year of study can apply for Career Start Edge.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate working on technology at a lab desk at University.
FOOTAGE: An undergraduate talking to the camera in the office.
GRAPHIC: A text graphic appears next to undergraduate ‘Earn While you Study, Learn as you Work’.
NARRATOR: Earn while you study, Learn as you work.
FOOTAGE: Two undergraduates in the office, one taps the other on the shoulder and both wave from the desk.
FOOTAGE: An undergraduate drinking a coffee at their desk looking out at the city.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate working from home talking to the camera.
NARRATOR: It’s a flexible way to learn and connect.
FOOTAGE: Camera spans to undergraduates working from home computer set up.
NARRATOR: You can even work from home.
FOOTAGE: An undergraduate work on their laptop from a café in the city with a coffee.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate sitting in a meeting room in the office with their laptop screen facing the camera.
GRAPHIC: Text graphic appears next to undergraduate ‘ Transform textbook knowledge’.
NARRATOR: Transform textbook knowledge.
FOOTAGE: Camera zooms into laptop screen, and back out again.
GRAPHIC: Text graphic appears over laptop screen ‘Into real life applications’.
NARRATOR: Into real life applications.
FOOTAGE: Sweeping view of several drones.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate is walking down hallway in an office talking to the camera.
NARRATOR: Another benefit is that I get to connect with people my age from different backgrounds.
FOOTAGE: First undergraduate hands camera to second undergraduate, who stands in front of people playing table tennis in the office in the background.
NARRATOR: And because of this, we feel supported by a healthy environment, just by fostering these connections and having fun.
FOOTAGE: Showing a networking scene of a group of people talking and mingling in the office.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate with headphones in talking to the camera in a meeting room in an office.
NARRATOR: I am now able to see a clearer picture of where I want to be in my future career.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate working at a desk in an office with headphones on.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate walking through the security gates in a Telstra building.
GRAPHIC: Text graphic appears above undergraduate ‘Come Join Us’.
NARRATOR: Come Join us to unlock your competitive edge in work.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate in the stairwell at University talking to the camera.
NARRATOR: Come join us to unlock your competitive edge in study.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate standing in home office with a coffee cup.
NARRATOR: Join us to unlock a world of endless opportunities.
FOOTAGE: Two undergraduates greeting each other in a Telstra store shaking hands.
NARRATOR: So come on, kickstart your career with Edge.
FOOTAGE: Two undergraduates walk into the Telstra store.
FOOTAGE: Undergraduate talking into the camera holding up staff pass.
GRAPHIC: Text graphic appears next to undergraduate ‘Apply Now’.
NARRATOR: Apply Now.
GRAPHIC: Telstra Logo appears with text ‘Career Start Edge’ and ‘Paid permanent part time work for undergraduates’ underneath, with ‘careers.telstra.com’ at the bottom of the screen.
[Music Ends]