Ask for a refund

We may give a refund for reasons like an overpayment, a final bill, or a point-of-sale error or product fault. However, if we investigate a request and decide a charge is valid, we won't provide a refund.

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    Refunds for a one-off overpayment

    If you've paid us too much, for example by paying the same bill twice, you can:

    • Contact your financial institution to have them reverse or 'charge back' the amount, or;
    • Leave your Telstra account in credit, which will count towards future payments.

    Refunds for an account in credit

    If it's not practical for you to reverse overpayments and your account is in credit, contact us to request a refund.

    Refunds can take up to five business days to appear in your account.

    Refunds for a closed account

    When an account is closed in credit, we'll be in touch to explain the process.

    You'll automatically receive a cheque refund for any amounts we owe you between $5 and $250.

    For all other amounts, we'll send you a final bill showing your credit amount. You'll also see a message in My Telstra prompting you to request a refund.

    You can message us and request that any outstanding amounts be refunded via cheque or credit transfer to a nominated account in your name.

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    Helping you when times are tough

    Depending on your level of urgency, we have flexible options that can help keep you connected.