Get in touch - Telstra

Need to get help? Here's how.

Here are some important pages to help you when you might need it.

What can we help you with?

Find a store

Find a Telstra service near you. Search stores, business technology centres, Wi-Fi hotspots or payphones.

Contact Us

We're here and ready to help. Find out how to get in touch online, on the phone, or in person.

My Telstra app

View your services, pay your bill, troubleshoot tech issues, contact us via messaging and much more.

Telstra Support

More information about how we can support you based on the product you have.


At Telstra, we're committed to keeping your personal information safe and your data secure.

Our Customer Terms

Our Customer Terms set out terms and conditions on which we provide products and services to Consumer or Personal, Business and Government and Telstra Wholesale customers.