What happens when I change my mobile plan?

Upfront Mobile Plans

Every Upfront Mobile and Data plan can have their plan size changed once a month (either increasing your plan or decreasing your plan). You can change your plans in the My Telstra app.

If you increase your data allowance - your higher data allowance starts right away, and you don’t pay anything extra that month. Your new increased price will take effect on your next monthly payment date.

Business Mobile and Business Data plans (purchased on or after 25 June 2019)

With no lock-in, you can change the plan size of your Business Mobile or Business Data plan once a billing cycle.

If you change your plan halfway through a billing cycle, your next bill will include the following charges:

  • A part month charge for the days on your old plan, plus the following month’s charge in advance for the new plan, products and services. 
  • Pro-rata credits for the days remaining on your old plan. 
  • New data allowances and inclusions will be applied immediately. 

Price and inclusions of Business Mobile or Business Data plans are subject to change. 


Plans purchased before 25 June 2019

If you have finished your contract, it’s time to explore our plans.

If you're still under a contract, check your contract start and end dates by signing in to My Telstra or contact us to discuss plan options.

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