Best for: Administrators
Technical Level: Easy
To de-assign your users with a McAfee Multi Access licence you can now do so through Telstra Apps Marketplace in a few easy steps:
Important Note: if you are re-assigning an existing licence, please ensure that your users devices uninstall the software from their devices as their devices may get locked.
Best for: Users
Technical Level: Easy
To assign your devices with McAfee Multi Access software, please follow the instructions provided in the welcome email with subject 'Your McAfee Multi Access service is ready'.
If you didn't receive this welcome email, you can request for it to be re-sent by submitting an incident in Telstra Apps marketplace. You'll require the welcome email to complete the instructions below:
Important note: Once the product key is activated, please ensure you set up your account (if you haven't done so already). This will link the McAfee Multi Access licence to your account.
Best for: Administrators
Technical Level: Easy
To assign your users with a McAfee Multi Access licence you can now do so through Telstra Apps Marketplace in a few easy steps:
Important Note: if you are re-assigning an existing licence, please ensure that your users devices uninstall the software from their devices as their devices may get locked.
You can find McAfee help and support in the McAfee Enterprise Support ServicePortal.
To contact us for further support please call us on 1800 878 483, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm (AEST).
You can create an incident ticket through your Telstra Apps Marketplace account.