This is an operator assisted search service that connects you to a person, business or government body, and provides information ranging from numbers and email addresses to street directions, sports scores, movie times and other facts. You can call for the details you need.
An operator connects you to the business, person or government body you’re looking for and can provide other information such as a business’s website or email address.
Handy if you know the name of a business or person and just need the number. Your call is answered by an automated speech recognition service and a through-connection service is available to eligible callers.
This specialised service assists Telstra customers with a disability or special requirement to access national directory information.
When you call 1234 you'll speak to an operator who can connect you to a person, business or government body listed in the White Pages® or Yellow Pages®. You can find out information about the person or business you need, such as their address, opening hours or website details.
You can ask 1234 any question, such as “What's the weather tomorrow?” or “What movies are showing at my local cinema?”.
Important: 1234 is provided in accordance with Our Customer Terms, as amended from time to time.
With the 12456 Call Connect service, you'll speak with a helpful operator who can connect you to any White Pages® or Yellow Pages® directory listing.
If you know the name of the person or business you're looking for, you'll be connected to their number. If you're looking for a certain type of business but don't know their name, the operator can provide you with up to three business listings and then connect you to the one you choose.
When you call from a mobile phone and are connected to the person or business you need, you'll automatically receive an SMS with their contact details so you can store this information in your phone and keep it handy to call again in the future.
Telstra customers who can't dial numbers on a normal phone, or find it difficult to do so, may be eligible for a disability exemption on the Call Connect service fee. For more information on our disability services, visit our Disability Website.
Call Connect is provided in accordance with Our Customer Terms, as amended from time to time.
Telstra Directory Assistance on 1223 enables you to search for the phone number of a person or business listed in the White Pages® or Yellow Pages®. You can also search by name or business type (e.g. plumber).
Optional through connection is available to eligible Telstra post-paid mobile, Pre-Paid mobile and fixed line callers. A connection fee applies to successful and attempted connection. See Call Cost for more details. Telstra charges apply for connected calls.
DA1223 is provided in accordance with the terms and conditions of Our Customer Terms, as amended from time to time.
Alternatively you can search for the number on or download the White Pages® app to search for a number.
The Directory Assistance Helpline service is a specialised service to assist Telstra customers with a disability or special requirements to access national directory information.
To be eligible, you must:
Call the Telstra Disability Enquiry Hotline on 1800 068 424 to register for this service if you can’t use printed or electronic directories (White Pages® or Yellow Pages®), or the standard Directory Assistance service. The operator will assess if you’re eligible.
The service is a free call from any home or mobile telephone services anywhere in Australia.
Once registered, you can call the Directory Assistance Helpline and our voice agent will spend time on the call to ensure you receive the required directory assistance.
The agent does not connect your call directly to the number you have requested.
Call the 1800 068 424 Telstra Disability Enquiry Hotline or visit our Accessibility and disability page for more information on our disability services.
Need to dial overseas, but don’t know the international dialling code? View Telstra international code directory to find the country code you're looking for.