Contact your Regional Australia local team

If you are experiencing issues with billing or orders, please call 13 22 00.

For faults call 13 22 03 or try our Smart Troubleshooting tool to troubleshoot the problem.

To check for outages, visit our outages page.

To provide feedback or log a complaint, visit our complaint page.

Priority Assistance

If you require immediate assistance with a line fault and have Priority Assistance on your account please call 13 22 03 (Line faults) or 1800 331 286 (New line connections).

Ensure your services are with Telstra

Telstra can only assist where a customer is connected or attempting to connect to a Telstra retail product or service.

If you are raising concerns about another service provider you will need to contact that provider for assistance.

Your details

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The information you provide will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Statement. Please read our Privacy Statement before submitting this form.

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