How Telstra has helped me build my dream job in the country

From the very beginning, Telstra supported me to build my dream lifestyle. Now I have a fulfilling job that lets me have a paddock full of horses and live a life that is worthwhile to me.
From working in the call centre to choosing my own career path
I started working at a Telstra call centre. Although I knew this wasn’t the area I wanted to work in forever, I could see just how many career paths and opportunities were available at Telstra and if I wanted my career to go in a different direction, I wouldn’t have to leave the company to do that.
Now I tell my friends I grew up with Telstra. While working here I got married, bought a house and started working with horses. Telstra has supported me through the big milestones in my life.
I went through a divorce a few years after I arrived in Australia and my job at Telstra enabled me to start a new, independent life and to get a home for myself. In 2011 when my mother passed away in Britain, my managers at Telstra made sure I felt comfortable going away to the UK to sort out what I needed to.
My second husband and I own a property and even after he was made redundant, we could fund it with my salary. Along the way, my managers have always been so supportive in helping me move to the next step and make conscious decisions to build my career.
I learned that for me, having a work-life balance is the most important part of my dream career. Many of the colleagues I first started with have used the opportunities available at Telstra to move around in the company. For myself, I’ve consciously chosen roles that enable me to spend time living my dream lifestyle in the country.
Telstra leads the way in its flexible approach to work
My experience has been that Telstra genuinely means what it says with ‘all roles flex’. I live by this ethos and for me, it's what sets this company apart. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, I worked part of the week from home and I could work the hours that suited me. I am trusted to get the job done and it’s why I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else.
I feel lucky to work at a company that honours the needs of its employees.
Today, I see Telstra pushing forward with these values – the latest update to our enterprise bargaining agreement included additional Family and Domestic Violence Leave provisions, as well as 8 weeks paid gender affirmation leave. I’m proud to work at a company that is leading the way on this.
The room to pursue my passions in my personal life
The thing I value most in my job at Telstra is the flexibility to pursue my personal passions.
Rekindling my childhood hobby of working with horses wouldn’t be possible if I didn’t arrange with Telstra to have Wednesday mornings off to check on the horses or go for a riding lesson.
Photo Credit: Roger Foster
My managers trust me and know I’ll make the time up if I get called away, which is so important when you’re caring for animals. If something goes wrong in the paddock I can address it straight away, which might just save the life of one of my animals.
Photo Credit: Horizons Photography
My advice? Consider a role at Telstra!
A career that starts with Telstra might be a story like mine where there is longevity, multiple roles and changes of direction. Or it may be a stepping stone into a different industry. Either way, a company of Telstra’s calibre is going to be an asset on your resume.
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