How do I authorise Gmail and Google Drive with Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration?

To activate Gmail with Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration:

  1. Log in to Check Point Infinity Portal.
  2. Click Services Menu and select Email & Collaboration to take you to the SaaS selection screen.
  3. Locate Gmail and click Start.
  4. When the Installation Mode window appears, select Automatic and accept Terms Of Service using the check box. Click Ok.
  5. When redirected to Google sign in page, enter the Gmail super admin credentials.
  6. When redirected to Check Point Cloud Security app installation on Google Workplace Marketplace, click Admin Install.
  7. Progress through the Admin Install window. When prompted with Install the app automatically for the following users, select Everyone at your organisation. Agree to Terms of Service using the check box. Click Finish.
  8. Once installation is complete, Check Point Cloud Security will be added to your app library. Upon opening the Check Point Cloud Security app, enter your Google administrator credentials to be redirected to Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration.
  9. Go to Config, followed by SaaS Application.
  10. Locate Gmail and click Start.

Once authenticated, Gmail will appear as an active application within Overview.

To activate Google Drive with Check Point Email & Collaboration:

  1. Stay within the Harmony Email & Collaboration dashboard and go to Config.
  2. Within SaaS Application, locate Google Drive and select Start.
  3. Select Start each time you are prompted by a pop-up window.
  4. Locate Google Drive within Active Applications and select Configure.
  5. Enter your email address for quarantined items and select Save.

Where do I go for more support with Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration?

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For further support call 1800 878 483, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm (AEST).