Confirm your after-tax income to help us make sure you can meet the financial obligations associated with your order. Include income from all sources like your salary, investments, rental income, pensions, and Centrelink benefits. All fields are required unless marked otherwise.
Required field.
If you’re currently unemployed or receiving benefits, please select ‘Unemployed’ or ‘Other’ from the drop-down menu.
Required field. Enter your employer’s name, using letters and numbers up to 40 characters. Invalid entry. Employer’s name can contain only letters and numbers up to 40 characters.
Required field. Enter your employer’s phone number. Include area code for landlines. Invalid entry. Enter a 6- or 10-digit Australian phone number. Include the area code for landlines.
Required field. Enter the number of years at your current employer, between 0 and 99. Invalid year entry. Enter a number between 0 and 99 years.
Required field. Enter the number of months at your current employer, between 0 and 11. Invalid month entry. Enter a number between 0 and 11 months.
Invalid entry. Employer’s name can contain only letters and numbers up to 40 characters.
Invalid year entry. Enter a number between 0 and 99 years.
Invalid month entry. Enter a number between 0 and 11 months.
Required field. Enter the number of years lived at your current address, between 0 and 99. Invalid year entry. Enter a number between 0 and 99 years.
Required field. Enter the number of months lived at your current address, between 0 and 11. Invalid month entry. Enter a number between 0 and 11 months.
Required field. Enter your number of dependents – anyone in your household for whom you provide financial support. Invalid entry. Enter a number between 0 and 10.
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