Contact us - Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) - Telstra

All fields are mandatory unless marked as optional

Your Details

Please tell us your first name Invalid field.

Please tell us your last name Invalid field.

Include area code for landline numbers

Please tell us your contact number Invalid entry. Phone numbers must be 10 digits. Mobile numbers must begin with '04'. Landline numbers must begin with an area code.

Please tell us your email address Invalid entry. Email must be in the format of ''.

Customer Type Please select one of the below options Please select a customer type Required field.

Required field. Invalid field

IPND Data Provider / CSP / Data User:

Please complete each of these fields:

Please tell us your company name Invalid field.

Please entre your CSP code. If you are a data user, please add N/A Invalid field.

Please tell us your filesource code Invalid field.

Add another Contact

Invalid field.

Invalid field.

Invalid field.

Required field.

Invalid field

Date of Incident

Please enter date in dd/mm/yyyy

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