Supporting our people during COVID-19

We have a cross-company effort underway to respond to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, and we’re working hard to continue to deliver for our customers. This includes protecting the health and wellbeing of our people. With this in mind, we recognise that some of our people may need to step out of the workforce temporarily due to the impact of the virus.
That’s why we’re introducing our new global epidemic and pandemic leave policy. This will provide added support and peace of mind for our people, whether they’re permanent, fixed-term or casual.
If a member of our team doesn’t have sufficient sick leave to cover their absence, or carer’s leave to look after an affected family member, they’ll now have access to additional paid leave.
This new policy provides up to 14 days of paid leave where a member of our team:
- Is required to quarantine or self-isolate;
- Doesn’t have sufficient (or any) carer’s leave; or
- Where they’re caring for a child if their school or childcare is closed and unable to work from home.
There will also be the ability to extend this paid leave as needed at their leader’s discretion.
This policy applies to all members of our team both domestically and internationally, no matter where they’re based or if they’re part of a wholly-owned subsidiary.
And paid leave will also be available for our casual employees to cover any regularly rostered shifts they may miss. This is important because most casuals don’t have the option to work from home or the safety net of sick leave.
So casuals will also get access to up to 14 days leave paid at their base rate if they are unwell, have carer’s responsibilities or are in quarantine or self-isolation. Casuals will also be paid if a retail store or workplace closes and they were rostered to work. Again, with the option of extending this if needed at their leader’s discretion.
This is an unprecedented situation – one that requires us to step up, be there for our people and give those who need it most the support and reassurance to get through this difficult time.