One Stop One Story hub: the pilot program making support easier

For customers experiencing vulnerability or hardship, our partnership with the One Stop One Story hub makes support more streamlined and less stressful.
10 April 2024 · 2 minute read

Reducing the stress of repeating difficult stories

When someone experiences vulnerability or hardship, they often reach out to their essential service providers like water, electricity and telecommunications for assistance. And if they need support from one, they usually need support from many.  
Having to repeat their story to these organisations, over and over,  through multiple, complex channels can cause shame, stress, and re-traumatisation.


A world first cross-sector digital support platform

Telstra joined the One Stop One Story Hub (OSOS) as a founding partner to pilot the world-first cross-sector digital platform which enables frontline workers in corporate, government and community organisations to connect and refer their customers and clients to different support systems via a single access point. The purpose is to reduce distress for customers so they do not have to repeat their story. 

Two years on, the pilot-phase is ending with great success and positive impact to customers, staff and organisations.


Improving experiences with tailored support

For Telstra, participating in the Hub has enabled improved experience for customers experiencing vulnerable circumstances – especially those in hardship or domestic and family violence situations.  
By receiving referrals through the Hub, we are made aware of hundreds of people who may not have otherwise contacted us or known about the support we can offer them until it’s too late. The customer does not have to repeat their story – and we can help ensure our assistance is tailored to those who need it most as quickly as possible. 


How OSOS handled a real-life customer situation

Jamie*Refer to* and her kids had to leave her house quickly to escape a family violence relationship. The perpetrator, who had created multiple large debts on her phone, water and toll accounts all in Jamie’s name, refused to pay. The community organisation supporting Jamie created a multi-referral through the OSOS Hub.  

A streamlined approach helped alleviate debt anxiety

Within 24 hours, her old debts were waived on all accounts, amounting to thousands of dollars. This alleviated a lot of anxiety for Jamie, who felt she could start afresh. Her case manager said it was, “one of the most rewarding things I’ve seen in a long time”.

* Name and details have been changed to protect privacy.


“You don’t have to repeat your story”

Our frontline staff takes pride in offering additional support to customers, telling them, “You don’t have to repeat your story.”  
They also value the trust that comes from the partnerships through the Hub. Staff know that a referral will be in safe hands because all partners share a common goal to support the customer and provide appropriate outcomes for their situation. 

Through the OSOS Hub, Partners adhere to agreed service standards for domestic and family violence referrals. All OSOS Hub Partners agree not to request evidence that someone has been impacted by Family and Domestic Violence.


Helping us support customers experiencing vulnerability

The OSOS Hub creates value for Telstra and the organisational benefits continue to inform how we support customers in vulnerable circumstances.  
We’re proud to help break down barriers for people experiencing vulnerability and play a role in making it easier for people to access the support they need when they need it most.


Learn more about our partnership with OSOS

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