T Analyst - Manage your invoices

Manage your invoices

The Billing tab allows you to complete the following tasks in managing your Telstra invoices.

Compare invoices

Compare your current invoice with up to 18 months of historical invoices to identify variances and analyse cost and usage trends.

  • Go to the Billing tab.
  • Select the month and invoice you wish to compare.
  • Select View account activity.
  • Select on the compare drop-down menu the number of months you wish to compare.
  • Select View account activity.
  • Table will display invoice comparison charges amongst each month.
  • Select download icon to extract report in CSV format if required. 

Download invoices

You can download an electronic copy of your PDF invoice as a summary or in more detail:

  • Select Billing tab.
  • Select the month you wish to view from the drop-down menu.
  • Select the account you would like to download from list of accounts.
  • Select View invoice and choose the format you would like to download.
  • The message ‘click to download invoice’ will appear. A PDF copy of your invoice will be downloaded.


To download or view invoices for digital accounts starting with “7000” please go to Telstra Connect.

For a detailed invoice, select view invoice.

For a summary invoice, select view account summary.

Grouping invoices

You can group invoices that fall into a specific category (for example, day of month due or payment status).

  • Select Billing tab.
  • Select More to choose grouping options.
  • Select the grouping options from the group and subgroup drop-down lists.
  • Select Update view.
  • Invoices will be displayed with selected grouping options.


To download or view invoices for digital accounts starting with “7000” please go to Telstra Connect.

Schedule an email invoice

You can schedule a copy of your invoice to be delivered via email to you and others in your organisation.

  • From home page, select the Billing tab.
  • Select the account or accounts you wish to schedule email invoice for.
  • Select Request invoices. This will open the request invoices page.
  • Select ‘current months invoice’ from the invoice date drop-down to ensure the latest bills are delivered.
  • Under Frequency select Monthly.
  • Select the invoice format you require e.g. summary or detailed invoice.
  • You can select to send report to additional recipients. 
  • Select Submit request.
  • You will automatically be directed to the Download centre tab. 
  • The scheduled invoice will now be listed under pending requests.


To download or view invoices for digital accounts starting with “7000” please go to Telstra Connect.

Current or previous months should be selected when requesting the invoice to be emailed monthly.

Always select 2 days post invoice date as email date. 

View single invoice

 To view the summary or detail of one invoice:

  • Select the Billing tab.
  • Select the month from the drop-down menu.
  • Tick the box next to the invoice you want to view.
  • Select View account activity.


To download or view invoices for digital accounts starting with “7000” please go to Telstra Connect.

Viewer can drill down further into the invoice using hyperlinks on the detailed view.

View consolidated invoices

Consolidate all, or a group of invoices to see the total charges.

  • Select the Billing tab.
  • Select the month from the drop-down menu.
  • Select the boxes next to all invoices you wish to view.
  • Select View account activity.
  • Charges will be displayed in consolidated view.

About Billing

The Billing tab allows you to access and view your invoices, compare charges and schedule delivery via email. Information will be displayed against any account that has been invoiced, including invoice issue date, account number, invoice number and amount invoiced.

User account tags

You can add your own account tags in T Analyst, as a simple alternative to hierarchies or descriptions that allow in-place, contextual tagging of your accounts, in a way that makes sense to you.

Tags can be used for anything from marking accounts with unexpected charges to grouping accounts by department, office location, or city.

You have the option to configure the tags so that only the user who created the tag can see and apply the tag. This mode provides a more personal experience of tags as they cannot be shared or used by other users in the organisation.