T Analyst - How to videos
How-to videos
Getting started with T Analyst
This overview guides you through T Analyst and its features.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Telstra T-Analyst]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Welcome to T-Analyst]
NARRATOR : Welcome to T-Analyst, your Telstra analytics tool.
From the moment you log in, T-Analyst gives you the ability to download bills, create hierarchies and cost centres, reporting bill payment and much more. From the View Bills tab, you are able to view up to the past 18 months of billing data using the drop down box and these can be scoped via level or account number.
Download PDF bills via the View Bill link or the Request Bills for them to be emailed out once off or monthly. View Account Activity lets you view detailed or summary statements, complete comparisons, and drill down further into your bill.
In the Reporting tab, we have Cost Allocation Reports, Summary and Detailed Reports with several default reports options which can be edited or create your own. All reports are available for singular months or grouped for the past 3-6 or twelve months, or you can set a specific custom date range.
These reports can be downloaded instantly or requested to be sent out monthly. The Download tab enables you to view the past 30 days of requested bills or reports and any future pending requested bills or reports.
It also enables you to view and edit future requests. Setup Tab. In the Setup tab we have a number of options.
Hierarchies. We have the options to create and manage your hierarchies, cost centres and assign accounts and services to them. Descriptions allow you to add further value to your reports with descriptions for numbers you have dialled and time periods that correspond with your daily schedules.
Tools. Under Tools we have Filters, Markups and Budgets that can all be used to add extra value to your reporting. User Profiles enables you to update your preferences and manage other users access levels.
This concludes our brief look at T-Analyst. Please view our other videos for a more in depth look at the system.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Sign up for online training sessions via telstra.com]
NARRATOR: Or sign up for online training sessions via Telstra.com. To know more, please visit the link below.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: To know more, please visit www.telstra.com.au/business-enterprise/support]
Export hierarchy from T Analyst
A step-by-step guide on how to export a hierarchy from T Analyst for editing in Microsoft Excel.
NARRATOR : Export hierarchy from T Analyst
To export a hierarchy from T Analyst from the home page, select the Setup tab. From the Setup page, select Manage Hierarchies.
At the top of the page, you will see the options to Import and Export hierarchy. Select the hierarchy that you would like to export. Select Export Hierarchy.
In the Export Hierarchy window, you’ll see the options to export the hierarchy in different formats. If you are exporting a hierarchy to make changes and upload it back into T Analyst, then you must always select CSV for import. If you need to export the hierarchy for other purposes, select More for further options.
Next, select which elements you would like to download: Cost centres, accounts and services, Cost centres and accounts, or Cost centres. Select OK to download. The file will appear in your downloads. You can now open it in Microsoft Excel and start making your changes.
Upload a hierarchy to T Analyst
A step-by-step guide on how to import a hierarchy to T Analyst from Microsoft Excel.
NARRATOR : Upload a Hierarchy to T Analyst
To import a hierarchy to T Analyst from the home page, select the Setup tab.
From the Setup page, select Manage Hierarchies. At the top of the page, you will see the options to Import and Export hierarchy. Select Import Hierarchy. Give your new hierarchy a name and then select a CSV file to import.
Select the hierarchy that you would like to import. Once you have selected Import, the file will be validated. Select OK to continue processing the hierarchy. Progress of the file import will be displayed near the top of the page.
Once the load has completed, you'll be able to see if it has been imported successfully or if it has failed.
Selecting the import log will take you to the Change log page which will display any errors or warnings. You’ll see in the Issue column a brief description for each error message or warning, to help you identify where the error is in your CSV file. The Line column gives you further information about where the error is.
The file will always upload as a private file. To change it to public, check the hierarchy is selected, then select Edit.
To set up a hierarchy as the master, it must be public. Once you've made the changes, select Save. Hierarchy is ready to use.
Troubleshooting validation errors in hierarchy import
A guide to help you understand validation errors and how to fix them.
NARRATOR : Troubleshooting validation errors in hierarchy import.
After completing the hierarchy upload, the file is validated before it is imported. If the file has one or more errors, you will receive a message “Import cannot proceed”.
This example displays “Type field is required”. Select OK.
Any errors in the hierarchy will need to be fixed before attempting to load again. Check all entries in the “Type” column as advised in the error message. Find and rectify the incorrect data. Save and import again.
The most common errors received are “Value is not valid – Type" and “Type field is required”.
“Type field is required” means one or more fields are blank. Fields must contain either Cost centre, Account or Service.
“Value is not valid – Type" means there is a space or spelling error in the Type column. It’s easiest to copy and paste this field when adding rows. Fields must contain either Cost centre, Account or Service.
Detailed reports : creating and editing
A step-by-step guide on creating and editing detailed reports.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Telstra T-Analyst]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Editing and adding new Detailed reports]
NARRATOR: Editing and adding new Detailed reports. Use the Reports drop down tab to select Detail Reports. From here you will be able to view all the detailed reports currently available to you.
Select the report that you wish to edit. From here you will see what categories are included in the report. Using the toggle button, you are able to expand the report out to full page view, if required.
To start editing the report select Edit report.
From here you can update the report name, add a default filter. Then in the Columns option, add and remove categories from your table view by selecting and using the arrows between the excluded and included boxes.
The side arrows can be used to change the placement of the categories within the report.
Top to bottom is equal to left to right on the report. Sort options can be used to determine the order the data will be displayed. If not used, the data will automatically revert to sorting categories from the first option in the report.
With the Additional Options section you can add markups or restrict the number of records in the report. We always recommend using the Share the Report tab so others in your organisation have access to run the report.
Then click on save. You will now be directed back to the report with the new edits visible. After returning to the Detail Reports tab, if you are wanting to create a new report you can, via clicking on Add Report. This will give you the option to select. Start with a copy of an existing report or start with the new report.
The Start with an existing report is a great option to use instead of editing reports as you can make changes without affecting the original report. Once you have selected the type of report, this will divert you to the Edit Detailed Report screen.
You can now update the name, add a default filter, add and remove categories from the columns and adjust their positioning. Update the sorting options and add markups. Once completed, select Share Report and save.
You will be directed back to the Detail Reports page where you can select the newly created report and view.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: To know more, please visit www.telstra.con.au/business-enterprise/support]
NARRATOR: To know more, please visit the link below.
Summary reports : creating and editing
A step-by-step guide on creating and editing summary reports.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Telstra T-Analyst]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Edit and Add Reports Summary]
NARRATOR: Edit and add report summary.
Use the Reports drop down tab to select Summary Reports. From here you will be able to view all the summary reports currently available to you. Select the report that you wish to edit.
Click on the report to open. From here you will see what categories are included in the report. Using the toggle button you are able to expand the report out to full page view if required. To start editing the report select Edit Report.
From here you can update the report name, add a default filter and select the default report type either table or graph view. With Summary reporting you have 4 grouping and sorting options. Select from the drop down menu the categories you wish to have displayed within the report.
You also have the ability to customise the subtotal displays. The table view is restricted for summary reports depending on the type of reports you have chosen. Using the arrows between the excluded and included boxes, you can toggle options back and forth.
And the arrows on the side to alter the placement of the included categories. Next is the graph view where you can customise the graph display for your report, choosing a graph type, calculation method, number of records displayed and the option of labels within the graph.
Once this is all completed, the addition options of markups can be added as well as the option to share the report with other T-analyst users within your group. Click on Share this Report and save.
This will divert you back to the report displaying the latest updates you have made. After returning to the Summary Reports tab, if you are wanting to create a new report you can via clicking on Add Report. This will give you the option to select start with a copy of an existing report or start with a new report.
The Start with an existing report is a great option to use instead of editing reports as you can make changes without affecting the original report.
Once you have selected the type of report this will divert you to the Edit Summary report screen. You can now update the name, add a default filter, and select the default report type, either table or graph view.
With Summary reporting, you have 4 grouping and sorting options. Select from the drop down menu the categories you wish to have displayed within your report and how you would like to have them sorted and displayed within the report.
You also have the ability to customise the subtotal displays. The table view is restricted for summary reports depending on the type of reports you have chosen. Using the arrows between the excluded and included boxes, you can toggle options back and forth and the arrows on the side to alter the placement of the included categories.
Next is the graph view where you can customise the graph display for your report, choosing a graph type, calculation method, number of records displayed and the option of labels within the graph. Once this is all completed, the addition options of markups can be added as well as the option to share the report with other T-Analyst users within your group.
Click on Share this Report and save.
You will return to the Summary Reports page where you will be able to view the new report that you have created.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: To know more, please visit www.telstra.com.au/business-enterprise/support]
NARRATOR: To know more, please visit the link below.
Hierarchy and cost centres
A step-by-step guide on creating hierarchies and cost centres.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Telstra T-Analyst]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: How to set up your Hierarchy & Cost centres]
NARRATOR: How to set up your Hierarchy and Cost centres.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Important part of T-Analyst]
NARRATOR: Setting up a hierarchy is an important part of T-Analyst.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Adds much more value to your reporting]
NARRATOR: Even though you can run reports without one, having a hierarchy adds much more value to your reporting. From the Home tab you select Setup. In the Setup tab select Hierarchies drop down and Manage Hierarchy.
Once you are in the Hierarchy tab, you will be able to view the master hierarchy and all other previously created hierarchies. From here, to create a new hierarchy setup, you select Add Hierarchy.
In the popup, name the hierarchy, choose if you would like it public or private and starting with a blank hierarchy or a copy of an existing hierarchy.
Starting with a copy is helpful if you are going through a structural change within your business, enabling you to make changes to the current hierarchy while also keeping a copy of the historical setup.
In this example, we are starting with a blank hierarchy. Click on Save. Once you have clicked on save, it will take you back to the Manage Hierarchy screen. You can now view the hierarchy you have just created and see that it is currently active.
Select the Cost Centres tab. You can see the hierarchy here via the drop-down box that we have just created, and the level is Corporate. We can edit the top corporate name by highlighting and clicking on edit. The pop-up box enables you to update or change the name, add descriptions and GL codes. Click on Save once you have made the changes and you will be able to see the updated name.
At this point you can start adding in further nodes or cost centres. Click on add a node and in the pop up, name the cost centres and add any descriptions or GL codes as required. Click on Save. You will now be able to view the new Cost Centre levels and their GL codes.
The descriptions will not be visible at this point but will display in your reporting when added as well as in the Manage Accounts and Services tab. You have now added the first level to your Cost Centre structure.
You can now select and highlight one of the cost centres, click on Add Node and continue building out the cost Centre structure. You will see the drop-down box with the new nodes displaying under the Cost centre we just worked on.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: To know more, please visit www.telstra.com.au/business-enterprise/support]
NARRATOR: To know more, please visit the link below.
Assigning accounts to cost centres
A step-by-step guide on setting up accounts within your cost centre structure.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Telstra T-Analyst]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Assigning Accounts to Cost Centres]
NARRATOR: Assigning Accounts to Cost Centres. Assigning your accounts to your hierarchy needs to be completed before you will be able to assign your services to the Cost centres.
To assign your accounts to the hierarchy you start in the Setup tab, Hierarchies, Manage Accounts and Services. From the Hierarchy drop down, select the hierarchy you wish to work on, then Accounts from the Display dropdown.
Now you will be able to view all accounts available to copy into the hierarchy and their current pathways. Select either all or any specific accounts you wish to copy into your structure using the selection squares.
The More option can be used to search for specific accounts. Once you have selected the account or accounts you wish to assign, select Move Account.
From the pop-up, use the dropdown or search option to select the cost centre you wish to place the accounts in and click OK then Save in the confirmation box.You will now be able to view the new pathway for the accounts.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: You will only be able to assign the services from that account down that specific branch]
NARRATOR: Be aware that if you place them on a cost centre lower than the corporate level that you will only be able to assign the services from that account down that specific branch.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: To know more, please visit www. telstra.com.au/business-enterprise/support]
NARRATOR: To know more, please visit the link below.
Assigning services to cost centres
A step-by-step guide on setting up services within your cost centre structure.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Telstra T-Analyst]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Assigning Your Services to Cost Centres or Nodes]
NARRATOR: Assigning your services to Cost Centres or Nodes.
To assign your services to the cost centres you start in the Setup tab, Hierarchies, Manage accounts and services. From the hierarchy drop down, select the hierarchy you wish to work on, then Services from the display drop down. Now you will be able to view all services available to copy into the hierarchy and their current pathways.
The More option can be used to search for specific services or groups of service using the Match option of Exact, Starts With or Contains. Select either all or any specific accounts you wish to copy into your structure using the selection squares and click on Move.
Once you have clicked on move from the pop up, use the drop down or search option to select the cost centre you wish to place the accounts in and click save. You will now see the pathway has changed to the selected cost centre.
There is also the option to split the services between more than one cost centre. Select the service that you wish to split, enter the split percentage and the cost centres you wish to add the service to.
Click on Save and now you will be able to view the new cost centres and the percentage the service has been assigned to each cost centre. Continue through your services to complete assigning each to a cost centre level.
Be aware that if you place them on a cost centre lower than the corporate level that you will only be able to assign the services from that account down that specific branch.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: To know more, please visit www.telstra.com.au/business-enterprise/support]
NARRATOR: To know more, please visit the link below.
How to request an email invoice
A step-by-step guide on how to request a one-off email bill.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Telstra T-Analyst]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Request Email Bill]
NARRATOR: Request Email Bill
Within T Analyst you can request your bills to be emailed out monthly. To complete this you will start in the View Bill tab. From here you can use the scope to search specific accounts and drill down to a specific months billing, or the more option can be used to search for specific accounts.
The month drop down will give you up to 18 months of billing data to choose from. Select the bill you would like to have emailed out monthly and click on Request Bills. This will take you to the download centre. Check the account and then choose the bill date.
If you are wanting the bill to be sent out monthly, choose the Current Month's or Previous Month's billing option. In frequency, select monthly and choose the date you would like to have the bill emailed out. We recommend you select two days post the billing date.
Under Bill Format, you will notice a note to download bills for 12 digit accounts that start with '700', Please go to T Connect. These bills cannot be emailed out via T Analyst. From Bill Format, you can select the type of bill you wish to have emailed out.
Under Order Delivery, you have four options. You will need to select one of the last two options, Notify me in any additional recipients and attach report unzipped or the completed report. Only choose the Completed Report option if you have the capability to download zip files.
Add in any additional email addresses you would like the bill to be delivered to and select Submit Request. You will now be taken to the Pending Requests page. This will display all other download and email requests.
Using the drop-down Filter Report type, you can select Bills, Detail, Summary, or Cost Allocation reports to see other report type requests.
From here, you can view your requests, frequency, date scheduled, format and any additional recipients for future requests.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: To know more, please visit www.connectapp.telstra.com www.telstra.com.au/business-enterprise/support]
NARRATOR: To know more, please visit the links below.
How to download a bill on T Analyst
A step-by-step guide on how to download your bill using the Billing tab.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Telstra T-Analyst]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: How to Download a bill from the view bill tab]
NARRATOR: How to download a bill from the View Bill tab.
To download a PDF bill in T Analyst, start in the View Bills tab. From here you are able to use the scope to search specific accounts and levels.
The Month drop down will give you up to 18 months of billing data to choose from or the More option can be used to search for specific accounts.
Select the month you wish to download. Click on the View Bill option for the required download. The pop-up box will give you a choice of detailed or summary bill. Select Click to download and this will automatically download the requested bill type for you. Open the download up to view your requested bill.
Note that accounts that start with 7000 cannot be downloaded in this format.
You can download them via T-Connect.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: To know more, please visit www. telstra.com.au/business enterprise/support]
NARRATOR: To know more, please visit the link below.
How to download a bill on Telstra Connect
A step-by-step guide on how to download bills on Telstra Connect, for accounts starting with 700.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Telstra T-Analyst]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Downloading bills for Adaptive Mobility]
NARRATOR: Downloading Bills for Adaptive Mobility.
Although you can run reports, view call details and etcetera, all accounts in T-Analyst, downloading the PDF bill is restricted to non 700 accounts only. To download bills for accounts starting with 700, you will be required to log in to T-Connect.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Access T-Connect directly from T-Analyst]
NARRATOR: You can access T-Connect directly from T-Analyst. In T-Analyst, from the View Bills tab, select the 700 bill you wish to download and click on View Bills. This will initiate a pop up displaying the link to T-Connect.
Click on the link to T-Connect and once signed in, select the Billing tile, then View Invoices. This will direct you to the Billing Invoices page and display all billing accounts available to download. Select the bill and type of download you require. From here you will be able to view the requested bill via your downloads file.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: To know more, please visit www.connectapp.telstra.com / www.telstra.com.au/business-enterprise/support]
NARRATOR: To know more, please visit the links below.