T Analyst - Download centre

Download centre

The download centre tab allows you to access any pending or completed reports and invoices. You can download, edit, or remove pending or completed reports.

Download completed reports

  • Select the Download centre tab.
  • Select the Completed requests tab.
  • Select report type filter to view the report/invoice type you wish to download.
  • Select report name to start download.
  • Report will automatically start downloading in selected file format.


Please refer to icon ‘ready to download’ to determine which reports are available.

Edit pending reports

You can edit a scheduled report to change the frequency, format, or recipients.

  • Select Download centre tab.
  • Select the pending requests tab.
  • Select report type filter to choose the type of request you wish to edit.
  • Select the document and then Edit request.
  • Change the frequency, format, or recipients on pending report.
  • Select Submit request.
  • Changes will now be updated to scheduled request.

Remove completed reports

Completed reports can be removed from Download centre tab to help increase storage space for future requests.

  • Select Download centre tab.
  • Select either the completed requests or pending requests tab.
  • Select report type filter to select the type of request you wish to remove.
  • Select the document and select Remove request.
  • Confirm and submit request.
  • A confirmation message will appear asking for confirmation of your request.
  • Changes will now be updated to scheduled request.