Project Rockit - Telstra Plus

Donate points and help tackle online bullying

You'll be supporting PROJECT ROCKIT, Australia's youth-driven movement against cyberbullying, hate, and prejudice. Plus, we'll match total donations this financial year up to the value of $100,000.
Eligibility criteria apply to join Telstra Plus.
five young adults sitting on a kerb, smiling
montage of faces - Telstra Logo - Project Rockit Logo

Donate points and spark positive change

Did you know over 40% of young people in Australia have reported experiencing online bullying or other negative experiences? And that 75% want more online safety information?

Your points will go towards helping improve young people's lives by supporting the delivery of anti-bullying workshops to Australian schools that need them most.

Source: The digital lives of Aussie teens, eSafety Commissioner (2021)

Your $10 donation + Our $10 match = Total $20 donation

We're matching total donations up to $100,000

Donations start from 4,000 points which converts to a $10 donation. Or go even bigger on bullying and donate 8,000 points (equals $20) or 20,000 points (equals $50).

Whichever you choose, we'll double the impact of your donation by matching every dollar donated this financial year, up to the value of $100,000.

How it works

  1. Choose a points amount to donate

  2. The dollar value goes to PROJECT ROCKIT

  3. We’ll match your donation

Your points can make a difference

More positive change

89% of students reported that PROJECT ROCKIT had sparked positive change for themselves, while 85% noticed positive change in their peers.

More kindness at school

After completing a 60-minute PROJECT ROCKIT workshop designed to empower leadership and positive social action, 86% of students reported an increase in their self-efficacy to make a difference in the way that other people at school are treated.

More online safety

8 in 10 students reported that they now know how to protect their privacy and safety online.

Donate points to PROJECT ROCKIT

Support an important cause or simply a great way to spend expiring points. Plus, we’ll show our support and match total donations this financial year, up to $100,000.


You’ll receive a confirmation email and see the points deducted in your activity statement.

No, these are points-only transactions which means they are not eligible to be claimed as a tax deduction, as per taxation laws.

Telstra will calculate the total donation value as at June 30 2024 and match that value up to $100,000. The matched amount will be donated fully to PROJECT ROCKIT.

You can learn more about online safety and wellbeing, including how to report inappropriate behaviour, on Telstra’s cyber security and online safety hub. Go to the online safety hub

Things you need to know

You must be over 18 and have an eligible service on a Telstra business and/or consumer account to join. Excludes Telstra enterprise or corporate accounts.

Points are earned on payment for services or pre-paid recharge (excl. outright purchases, refunds, credits & late payment fees). Points expire 3 years from earning. Marketing opt-in required (preferences can be changed).  Exit program anytime.

Read the terms and conditions

No refunds or exchanges.

Once the points are deducted from your account, Telstra will pay the specified dollar amount to PROJECT ROCKIT within 90 days of the date of your redemption.

Members are not entitled to a tax deduction for redeeming points for charity.

For any issues with your points donation in the Telstra Plus Rewards Store, contact Telstra support.