We’re delighted to have you involved in the Telstra Plus Marketplace trial (Trial). We have developed a prototype product to test out a range of concepts, features and functions with a select group of customers. Certain features of the prototype may be illustrative or shown as examples only.
To be involved in the Trial, you must agree to the terms and conditions, and meet the eligibility criteria, as set out below. Our Privacy Statement will also apply to your involvement in the Trial. You can find out more about Privacy here:
Joining Marketplace
Joining the Trial requires you to have met the following conditions:
- You are over 18
- You are a Telstra customer
- You have received an invitation from Telstra or one of Telstra’s partners, such as Telstra Business Technology Centres or our Market Research partners
Trial Duration
The Trial will commence from the beginning of September 2021 and will conclude end of October 2021 unless otherwise extended (Trial Period). We will let you know exact start and end dates as soon as they are known. At the end of the Trial Period you will be removed from the Trial and will no longer have access to the Telstra Plus Marketplace Business Portal. We may shorten or extend the Trial Period by providing you with as much notice as possible.
What does the Trial involve?
This Trial is designed for you to test out our Prototype Telstra Plus Marketplace Business Portal (Marketplace Business portal), which is designed to connect our Telstra Plus members, with our small businesses like you. Our consumer customers participating in the Trial, will be able to see your business and your offers via the Telstra Plus Marketplace App (Marketplace app) and you will administer, manage and see the performance of your offers via the Marketplace Business Portal. The Marketplace app will contain offers for services from small businesses like yourself, with Telstra Plus points allocated to each offer (Offer), which will be awarded to the customer once they have paid for the service from the small business. Payment is made directly to the business in all circumstances.
The Trial will involve you (with some help from us) creating an account in the Marketplace Business Portal, uploading information about your business like the name, description, ABN/ACN, contact details, your retail address (if you have one), some business images and creating Offers. The Marketplace Business Portal will allow you to track and manage the performance of your Offers.
Your Data – Collection, Storage and Use
As part of the Trial, we will ask you for certain personal and business information, including (but not limited to) your business name, ABN/ACN, Merchant ID (MID), business address, contact information, website information and images of your products/services. Some of this information may be required and some will be optional – we will make it clear to you where this is the case. Some of the information we will ask for, you may have already provided to us previously when taking up Telstra services; the reason why we will be asking you for these details again is because our Marketplace Business Portal is a prototype only which we have built with our partners Mastercard and LoyaltyNow and we are not transferring your business information from Telstra systems to our partners.
We will use information you provide us on your business and Offers on products/services to customise the way we rank the and show them to customers (based on customer interests and data preferences). All Offers will be visible to all consumer customers participating in the Trial, as part of the Trial.
Your information is stored securely on servers within Australia. Your information will not be sold to any third parties, and will not be shared with any third parties other than those mentioned in these terms, and is only shared with those third parties in order to assist us to administer the Trial. Any additional information provided as part of the Trial will be deleted at the end of the Trial or at any stage you ask us to.
Merchant ID
By joining the Marketplace Business Portal and providing your Merchant ID, you authorise Telstra to share your business name and Merchant ID with Mastercard, Visa, and EFTPOS Australia (as applicable) so they:
- know you have enrolled in the Trial; and
- can monitor transactions against your Merchant ID to identify the qualifying purchases for Offers your customers have redeemed.
By linking your Merchant ID in the Marketplace Business Portal, you also authorise Mastercard, Visa and EFTPOS Australia (as applicable) to share these eligible transaction details with Telstra to enable us to award your customers with the Telstra Plus points allocated to the Offers they have redeemed. You may choose to remove your Merchant ID at any time, however if you do so, you will no longer be eligible to participate in the Trial. If you would like your Merchant ID removed, please contact us at
eGift card/Bill credit
In order to be eligible for the $500 Wish eGift card or the $500 bill credit, during the Trial Period you need to join the Telstra Plus Marketplace program, create an account in the Marketplace portal (including accepting the terms and conditions), and post offers on the Telstra Plus Marketplace . You will need to elect to take either eGift card or the bill credit [insert when they need to make this election].
eGift card
The Wish eGift card will be issued via email by the end of the Trial Period and are subject to the terms and conditions of the issuer and are not exchangeable, transferable or redeemable for cash. One eGift card per business.
Bill credit
The credit will appear on your bill [insert when credit will appear].The credit is not redeemable for cash or transferable. Only one bill credit per business.
Offers and Bonus Points
We will create a default Offer for you to use (earn 10 points per every dollar spent) You can choose to use the default Offer, or you can create your own Offer. You may run multiple Offers at any one time. All Offers will need to be approved by Telstra, so that we can ensure they meet our brand and reputational guidelines and are an appropriate use of points. We may decline your Offer and/or give you feedback on your Offer to help make it market ready.
You will have a budget of Telstra Plus Points to use within the Trial. We may extend this budget at our discretion. We will not bill you for points, administration fees or anything else related to the Trial, during the Trial. If you do not use the entire points budget, Telstra will not refund this in terms of cash or points (it is forfeited if not used).
Provision of Products and Services
You as a participating business agree and acknowledge that:
- Telstra’s role in this Trial is to operate the Marketplace app and the Marketplace Business Portal and to load the Telstra Plus points on to a customer’s Telstra Plus account, that you have allocated to an Offer, once the customer has taken up and paid for an eligible Offer.
- You as the business who has advertised products and/or services via the Marketplace app are responsible for the fulfillment of the product/service in a manner reasonably expected. Telstra is not responsible for quality, fulfilment or delivery timeframes connected with the product/service you have listed.
- Information that you post on the Marketplace app is:
- true and correct;
- does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person;
- complies with all relevant laws; and
- is not misleading or deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive
If you have a dispute with a customer in relation to a product or service you have provided, you need to resolve this with the customer directly. If the matter can’t be resolved, we would also like you to contact us about it, because even though we will not be able to facilitate a resolution with the customer in relation to your products and services, it is important for us to keep across any issues between Trial participants as part of the Trial. You can contact us via email at
We would love to hear from you
We’d love to hear your feedback so we can continue to add new features and improvements. We might ask for your feedback via a survey, invite you to a focus group or ask for feedback on our Forum, all of which is optional as part of your participation in the trial. Additionally, if you would like to get in contact with us with direct feedback, please email us at:
Please don’t tell your friends. Yet
We hope that you’re as excited about the Trial as we are. By being involved in the Trial, you may become aware of or get access to things before the rest of our customers and the general public. Some of those things are confidential. Until those things become public, you’ll need to keep your involvement in the Trial, and the things you learn about during the Trial to yourself. Sharing with us, and with other people involved in the Trial, is fine, but please don’t share this information more widely than that – including with your friends, family or your social network – until we make it public.
Expect the unexpected
As this is a pre-release “beta” version of the Telstra Plus Marketplace app and Marketplace Business Portal it might not work entirely as planned and some features may be illustrative only. The service might change or features might be removed without notice. While we will use reasonable care and work with you to resolve any problems, we can't guarantee that the experience you receive as part of the Trial will always be free from faults. To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability arising from or in connection with the Marketplace Business Portal. The Marketplace Business Portal may change or features may be removed without notice.
Exiting the trial
If you no longer want to be involved in the Trial, that's okay with us. We'll miss you, but you don’t have to stick around if you don’t want to. We will be happy to remove you and delete any additional data of yours collected as part of the Trial, if you contact us at
We may cancel, suspend or interrupt the Trial at any time with immediate effect, but we will try and give you as much notice as we reasonably can.
If you do something which is contrary to these terms and conditions, that breaches any other laws or that we determine is either abusive, fraudulent or not in the spirit of the Trial, or become ineligible to participate, then we may suspend or end your involvement in Trial.
Consumer Guarantees
If the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) or any other legislation states that there is a guarantee in relation to our supply of the Marketplace Business Portal supplied by us in connection with this document, and our liability for failing to comply with that guarantee cannot be excluded but may be limited, then our exclusion of liability described above does not apply and instead our liability for such failure is limited to (at our election) us supplying the services again or paying the cost of having the services supplied again.
All intellectual property rights related to the Telstra Plus Marketplace Trial, belong to us or our licensors. Even if you don’t live in Victoria, these terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia.