Small Business Moving Premises Form


You're moving premises and we're here to support you every step of the way. Please complete the information below and we'll arrange for a case manager to help move your Telstra services end-to-end. Once you submit your request you will receive a call from your case manager within 5 business days.

All fields are required unless specified (optional)

Firstly, do you believe you are eligible for Priority Assist? Priority Assist is available to customers, or people living with them, who have a diagnosed life threatening medical condition, and whose life maybe at risk without access to a working telephone service. Required field. Required field.

Please call us on 132 000 to discuss your move requirement.

Account details

This is the account number found on your bill.

Please enter account Number Invalid length. Account number must be 9, 10 or 13 digits long.

Required field. Invalid field.

Customer details

Required field. Invalid field.

Required field. Invalid field.

Preferred contact details:

Please enter mobile number Invalid entry. Mobile number must begin with '04' and be 10 digits.

Required field. Invalid entry. Email must be in the format of "".

Move details

Old Service Address

Please provide your street address Invalid field.

Please provide your suburb/town Invalid field.

Required field.

Please provide your postcode Invalid length. Postcode must be 4 digits long.

New Service Address

Please provide your street address Invalid field.

Please provide your suburb/town Invalid field.

Required field.

Please provide your postcode Invalid length. Postcode must be 4 digits long.

Is there a billing address change? Required field. Required field.

Please provide your street address Invalid field.

Please provide your suburb/town Invalid field.

Required field.

Please provide your postcode Invalid length. Postcode must be 4 digits long.

Connection details

Please select the services you would like to move:

Fixed Line(s) Required field. Required field.

Required field. Invalid field.

Invalid field.

Do you require a directory listing? Required field. Required field.
Internet Required field. Required field.
Is your new address NBN ready? Required field. Required field.

Check your servicability.

Foxtel Required field. Required field.
This is to confirm you will have access to the new site on the day of your connection or appointment.
Preferred Installation Type There will be a charge to move your office phones and internet. These costs range from $99 to $299* per service depending on the amount of technician work required. You can discuss your installation options with your case manager during your welcome call. *A New Development Fee of $300 may apply in some circumstances. Required field. Required field.

Required field. Invalid field.

Please enter contact number Invalid entry. Contact number must be at least 6 digits.

Required field. Invalid entry. Email must be in the format of "".

Hardware delivery

Deliver any required hardware to the new premises? Required field. Required field.

Please provide your street address Invalid field.

Please provide your suburb/town Invalid field.

Required field.

Please provide your postcode Invalid length. Postcode must be 4 digits long.


Invalid field.

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