Asset Asessment

What you need

A clear overview of discoverable devices or assets on your networks, including:

  • Their status and properties
  • Guidance to help you implement any monitoring and management services
  • Ways you can integrate new intelligent sensors/devices to increase the range and amount of useful data


What we do

We’ll assess our existing communication and engineering networks, devices and data source/repositories – so you can more effectively monitor and manage them. Our expert team will:

  • Create a network topography and Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
  • Recommend ways to increase availability of data to your business; including its frequency and quality, e.g. real time data from sensors
  • Identify ways to ‘de-silo’ your data, so you can maximise its value by reusing it across business units.
  • Help you create effective data workflows to reduce risk and enhance decision making


What you get

  • A record of all your discoverable network devices/assets
    Includes properties and relationships, along with recommendations to enable more detailed device discovery.

  • Network & Asset Monitoring/Management Plan
    Includes network and assets. Outlines possible impacts to your business, and new technologies that could deliver improved outcomes (e.g. IoT sensors)

  • Sensor/Device Integration plan
    Includes a Gap Analysis based on your key business and technical requirements, and recommendations for better management of data workflow