What you need

  • A general understanding of Analytics methodologies and the value they can provide
  • Practical ways to apply Analytics to your existing reports
  • An exploration of extracting additional value through advanced analytical techniques 

What we do

Our expert team will:

  • Provide you with an overview of Analytics and their relevance to your organisation
  • Lead you through a series of guided workshops designed to capture your requirements
  • Produce high-level analytical recommendations in associated documentation


What you get

  • Analytics Introductory Workshop
    A Telstra Analytics expert will present a 4-hour general overview of Big Data and Analytics solutions, and the many benefits they can offer your Utility. The presentation can be delivered to your stakeholders onsite, or remotely.

  • Reporting and Analytics Service
    We’ll focus on the application of Analytics to your operational or regulatory/compliance reporting and evidence-based decision-making. Examples could include asset maintenance, fault/outage identification and loss/leak detection.

  • Advanced Analytics Report
    An investigation of some challenges you might face – such as predictive fault identification models, and maximising efficiencies across your asset networks.

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