How does data sharing work on Telstra Upfront Plans?

Data Sharing is automatically included with any Upfront Mobile or Data plan, and you can share your data allowance between up to 20 Upfront Mobile or Data plans on the same account.

You don't need to do anything to get data sharing, it will automatically be included. You can't remove data sharing as it is a standard feature on our Upfront plans.

More about data allowance

If your data is running low, you can:

  • Increase the data allowance on one or more of your Upfront Mobile and Upfront Data plans, in the My Telstra app. This increased data allowance will be added to your shared pool of data almost immediately and you don’t pay anything extra until your next monthly payment date. Your new increased price will take effect on your next monthly payment date.
  • Rest easy knowing that you won't be charged excess data charges for usage in Australia. Once you've exceeded your data allowance, all your Upfront Mobile and Upfront Data services will still have access to data at speeds of up to 1.5mpbs until your next monthly payment date.

If you disconnect or cancel one of the services, the data allowance of that service will be removed from the shared data allowance immediately.

Your data allowance will reset on the same date each month.

You can view your data allowance, including data usage of individual services, in the My Telstra app.

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